Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Finding OSHA Letters of Interpretation is a Snap (or a few clicks, actually)

 THE OSHA TRAINING BLOG HAS MOVED TO OUR NEW WEBSITE. VISIT US AT https://oshatraining.com/osha-training-blogs/


  1. Thanks, good link! Ron.

  2. Good info Curtis. Thanks.

  3. Good information Curtis. I guess being a retired OSHA Representative and going onto the www.osha.gov web site everyday for the past 30 plus years, one takes navigating the site for granted......I used that information (navigation ability) as somewhat of a "magic trick" now as a "Private EH&S Consultant". I would impress my clients with the knowledge I have in my capability to explain the application and interpretations of regulatory standards, quoting "directives", "interpretations", "recent rulings", required activity noted in the CSHOs FOM. It was great and they loved it. Now, you come along and tell everybody how I did it. Thanks, thanks allot. LOL! Really though, good information and I hope everybody uses it. Have a safe day.

  4. Great info Curtis. I'll give you some feed back as I use it.

  5. Thanks alot for the information!So much better than using the search box and sifting through the unrelated search results.

  6. Thanks for the information. How do the ARCHIVED interpretations play a role in OSHA hearings, can they be referenced as an interpretation?

    1. OSHA interpretations do change from time to time, so they will often archive old letters that may no longer be applicable. Basically, an OSHA Archive Document may no longer represent OSHA policy, and is presented in the archives as historical content, for research and review purposes only.


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